Thursday, September 13, 2012

Building resistance against cold

Autumn equinox will arrive in about 2 weeks. Fall is already creeping in, the sun is rising later and setting earlier. While the daytime temperature still hits a high of 20degC, the night temperature dips down to a single digit low. People start wearing their jackets wherever they go.

My landlord has several rooms which he lets out to short-term tenants. I have a new house-mate today. He is a Buddhist monk from Taiwan. My landlord commented that the monk wears thinner layers of clothes than us, yet he does not seem to feel as cold as us. The monk then mentioned that there are some stuff we can eat to "fight away the cold" (i.e. building resistance against cold weather). So I asked him to share his secret. And here it is.

  • Thinly slice and shred a bit of ginger (老姜 old ginger preferred).
  • Boil water. Brew some fresh red tea 红茶. [Note: It has to be red tea because the red tea has a specific function in this brew. Green tea will not do because green tea hurts the digestive track of vegetarians.]
  • Add the ginger shreds into the red tea. Let it to steep for a while.
  • Drink the above before 12 noon, or at least before 2pm* daily.
*Note: According to the monk, consuming the above brew any later than 2pm will have the opposite effect of the one intended.


  1. In summer, I'll be drinking red tea with ginger after 2pm. If it doesn't do the opposite, I'll go to Jianada to hantum him

    1. I think he will be back in Taiwan by then, hahah :D

    2. Oops, I mistook that the monk was from Taiwan. He was originally from China and immigrated to Canada on a Federal Skilled Worker visa. He only became a monk after years in Canada and obtaining Canadian citizenship. Hmm, waiting for an opportunity to ask him his life story, a.k.a. why he became a monk. :)
