Monday, July 01, 2013

Happy Canada Day, 3x!

Happy Canada Day!

Click here for a video from Citizenship and Immigration Canada on "A free Canadian".


This is my 3rd Canada Day (or around 2 years 9 months since landing). I have been quite busy for the past 2 months, and today is a break for me to rest and relax. And also a time/chance for another "migration & settling-in" progress review (compared to my previous blog on it 6 months after landing).

V Local friends: I had been blessed for the friends I've made since arrival. Some of whom I can count on in an emergency. Admittedly, I've placed bad bets on a few persons who entered (and thankfully have since left) my life. Overall, I enjoy my interactions with people whom I've met in Canada.

V Canadian income: I have just started working last month (June-2013), albeit not full-time. That is, I am taking some shifts here-and-there, as I was juggling between job interviews, nursing trainings, and personal life. Still my first month's income was enough to cover my usual basic expenses.

V Career: Grabbed the 1st RN nursing job offer and started working. I'm happy to say that it turns out to be a good match (at least from the 1st month of work). I will write more on my career thoughts when I have time in future.

V Living accommodations: I used to think that I would like to rent a studio with my own kitchen and toilet. And preferably a studio near my workplace. As it turns out, I have gotten used to living with my landlord and landlady. Even though I had an opportunity to rent my own basement apartment at a really reasonable price recently, I decided not to.

V Getting around: I am still relying on the good public transport infrastructure to get around. My plan is to get a Canadian driving licence by the end of this year to improve my job opportunity.

V Credit rating: In progress.

V Love life: Going great, surprisingly. I met a really nice fella, DD. DD joked that he cannot propose yet because we have yet to have our first "couple's quarrel". I asked him, "What if we don't ever quarrel?" [After all, both of us have been rather reasonable for any issues/disagreements so far.] He said, "Then we'll have to manufacture one." Since we had been talking casually about buying a place, I joked, "I know, let's go apartment hunting. It's a good way to get couples quarrelling." As usual, he agreed and joked, "I'll schedule it in my calendar: Start a couple's quarrel over apartment hunting."

Given the above (and considering what's happening in Singapore, click here and here), while I am currently still a Singapore citizen, I will weigh my citizenship options when the time comes.

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